Promoting New York's Diverse Forest Products Industry
New York has more forestland than any other state in the Northeast. Forestland is largely privately owned by individuals, families and businesses, who together own over 75% of the forest, providing significant benefits for New York residents and its annual visitors.
New York State receives significant economic benefits annually from the forest industry. In 2014, the forest economy of New York generated $13.1 billion in direct output and provided more than 41,000 jobs with an annual labor income per worker of over $61,000.
The Wood Products Development Council works to develop strategies to improve the business climate for New York State's forest products industry and to facilitate the development of expanded and new markets for the state's high-quality wood products.
Current Projects
An economic study conducted by SUNY ESF determined that the forest economy of New York generated over $13 billion in direct output with around 70% attributable to the production activities of the pulp and paper industry.
Norway Spruce became the first major U.S.-grown, fully tested, softwood species to be tested and approved for construction since the 1920's. Over half of the Norway Spruce resource inventory is located in New York State.
An Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA) study provided recommendations that forest stakeholders in New York should work towards, which included sustaining markets and expanding logger training programs.