Child drawing of logging truck

K-12 Education Programs

New York Agriculture in the Classroom

The mission of New York Agriculture in the Classroom is to foster an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of how we produce food and fiber, what we eat, and how we live, by helping educators, students, and their communities learn about and engage with agriculture and food systems.

New York Agriculture in the Classroom works with pre-K through high school teachers, Cornell Cooperative Extension educators, farmers and producers, volunteers, parents, and community partners to increase agricultural literacy in New York State.

An agriculturally literate person is able to understand and communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects their daily lives.

Learn more at

Contact: Katie Carpenter, 607.255.9253, [email protected]


Source Search

In this lesson students will learn that agriculture provides nearly all of the products we rely on in any given day by participating in a relay where they match an everyday item with its "source."


Surrounded by Plants

Students identify the importance of plants to human life by surveying their home and neighborhood for plant products used for medicine, aesthetics, fuel products, fiber, and food.


My Farm Web

Students use the visual representation of a web to explore the role of agriculture in their daily lives and understand how most of the necessities of life can be traced back to the farm.



The Tree Farmer by Chuck Leavell and Nicholas Cravotta

Challenged by his grandson as to how he can grow beautiful trees only to cut them down, the tree farmer shares his knowledge and understanding of trees as a renewable resource. He also shares his love of the products trees provide and how they touch the souls of the people whose lives they grace. Written about the family tree farm of the Rolling Stones' keyboardist, Chuck Leavell, the author shares his second life as a tree farmer. This is a book that shares a farmer's love of the land and the wise use of its resources.

New York Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree uses trees and forests as windows on the world to increase students’ understanding of the environment and actions they can take to conserve it. 

Learn more at

Contact: 315-426-7532, [email protected]